Gateway Aquatics

St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Business Details

We have been selling livestock online since January 2005 What started out as a hobby since 1998 became and addiction So along came Gateway Aquatics selling mostly on ebay and April 2005 came Gatewayaquaticscom This business started out in the basement of my first home and less than a year later Gateway Aquatics LLC opened a full retail salt water store in South St Louis Missouri The original idea behind the home based business was to sell aquacultured frags and small corals but when business started picking up the time and room for propagating was no where to be found So with the retail store Gatewayaquaticscom and Gatewayaquatics on ebay we started to focus on bigger corals as well as inverts and some fish Then in Sept of 2006 I was approached by Nic the owner of Zomaniacom that he was thinking of selling his website and this was when I decided that I wanted to go back to where I started off and resume selling aquacultured zoanthidsRicordea as well as start propagating other corals So zomaniacom is our website geared towards propagated aquacultured corals as well as anything that is aquacultured like some inverts and fish We will not be selling any wild colonies of any kind or wild inverts and fish on ZoManiacom Those areas will be handled by Gatewayaquaticscom our retail store located at 4570 Telegraph rd St MO 63129 Louis 314 8458686 The store is small with just over 1000sq ft but we pack it full of thousands of corals and hundreds of fish and inverts We can special order almost anything from Custom tanks to rare Corals and Fish We also have been doing Custom tank setups and Ponds for residential and commercial locations as well as biweekly or Monthly Maintenance When we ship livestock we do offer a full live arrival garuntee in the US 48 states as well as we do ship outside of the US with no live guarantee just email sales gatewayaquaticscom for international shipping rates We are a brickmortar business unlike a lot of internet companys so we are not going anywhere and have shipped well over 2000 packages all over the world This is my business and something i still enjoy after many years We really appreciatte your business and support Thank You Chad Smith Owner
St. Louis, Missouri, United States

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